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Tracking Test Apparatus Ormity / Dunel

Technical Specifications:

  • Product Name: Electric Tracking Apparatus
  • Brand: Ormity / Dunel
  • Ormity SKU: OTY112-600
  • Dunel SKU: DN112-600

Application: The Electric Tracking Test Apparatus is used to evaluate the resistance of electrical insulation materials to the effects of electric tracking, also known as tracking. It is widely used in various industries to test the quality and durability of insulation materials in different applications.

Key Features:

  • Fully Automatic
  • Sample Door with Electric Assistant
  • Electromechanical Pipetting
  • Electrical Setup via 5" HMI Touch Screen
  • Automatic Resistance Bank Switching
  • Self-Calibrating
  • Safe and Automatic 1A Circuit Check
  • Front Door with Wide Visibility Glass
  • Drainage System


    Applications: The Electric Tracking Apparatus is widely used in the following product categories and sectors:

    • Avionics: Testing of insulation materials used in aerospace electronic components and systems, according to IEC 60112 and IEC 60587.
    • Electromedical: Evaluation of insulation material resistance in electronic medical devices, according to IEC 60112 and IEC 60695-2-1.
    • Home Appliances: Verification of insulation material durability in household appliances, according to IEC 60112 and UL 746A.


    Note: This datasheet provides a general description of the features of the Electric Tracking Apparatus Ormity / Dunel and its application. For more detailed or customized information, please contact the Ormity / Dunel team.

    Electric Tracking Test Apparatus

    SKU: OTYTK112-600 DNTK112-600
    • The Electric Tracking Apparatus complies with the following standards and regulations:

      • IEC 60112: Determination of the resistance to electric tracking of solid insulating materials using a saline solution under voltage.
      • IEC 60587: Tracking test on electrical insulating materials used in electrotechnical equipment.
      • ASTM D3638: Tracking test on polymeric insulating materials used in electrical applications.


      • UL 746A: Safety standard for plastic materials in electrical and electronic equipment - Test methods for determining resistance to tracking.
      • IEC 60695-2-1: Test methods for flammability of electrical materials - Part 2-1: Test methods for tracking of solid electrical insulating materials.
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